Carlyle Farm Sunset

This farm near Carlyle, Illinois looked simply idyllic in the glow of the summer sunset as I was driving through rural Illinois. 

Fallen Fort

The fort replicating the temporary home of Lewis and Clark before their very long hike stands in Hartford, Ill. near the Mississippi River. The real fort is long gone, of course, and the exact location remains something of a historical controversy among locals. This replica stands on the grounds of the Lewis & Clark Interpretive Site, and recently held some damage due to storms. But at sunset, you can almost imagine it's 1804.

Illinois Cornfield

There is no place I would rather be than Illinois in the fall. The clean, crisp air, festivals and tangy apple cider, the cornfields turned golden before the winter comes. I could spend every fall driving around Illinois' rural fields and taking pictures against the skies, if I didn't have to get some work done.

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Castle of New York

Belvedere Castle in Central Park dates back to 1865, and was intended solely to look cool, or so claims its website. It is now used as a weather monitoring station, and prime sightseeing spot in New York City. 

Fields of Pennsylvania
Photography fails to properly capture the beauty of western Pennsylvania in the fall. Around every turn, I saw another view that made me gasp. I probably added hours onto my book tour by pulling over repeatedly for another quick photo session. This one came the closest to capturing the rural beauty of that moment just as fall takes over the countryside.
Garden of the Gods
The hike to reach this site in the Shawnee National Forest is far easier than it looks. The view is amazing in any season, and strongly recommended if you happen to be passing through this area of the Midwest. 
Great River Road White Bluffs
This beautiful day I caught the fall foliage at the perfect point where the leaves had reached their brightest colors, before the winter swept them all away. I loved the contrast between the white bluffs, the autumn foliage and the gloriously blue sky.
Mountain Man
This silhouette was taken at the Garden of the Gods, an amazing vista in the Shawnee National Forest that has appeared several times in my work. The mountain man in question is my husband, who has had the (mis)fortune to end up in several of my best shots. He is not overly fond of heights, but he braved the Garden of the Gods for me. And I think even he would agree the view was worth it.
Fall Foliage
A glorious fall at the Missouri Botanical Gardens in St. Louis, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been privileged to visit. 
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Leclaire Snowfall
This is my neighborhood, the village of Leclaire after a snowfall. It has an amazing history; look it up sometime! And when the snow falls in my historic little town, it looks like something out of a painting. This is where I'm lucky enough to live, and I love it in snow or summer.
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